General terms and conditions
Note indicates that the most recent version of their terms of service (TOS) is permanently available on the Internet. There is the possibility to copy the terms and conditions of using the General browser functions to print (menu “File” – “Print” command) or on the own hard drive or other storage medium (“File” – menu command ‘Save’) at any time. The customer is asked expressly to the view, the expression and the copy of these terms and conditions.
1. Contract partner
Contractual partner of the customer is Agentur- IBE, owner operator Agency: Henryk IBE Meinhardt, Stofferkamp 85B, 22399 Hamburg.
VAT number: DE270987885
2. Scope
Only these terms and conditions apply to contracts between the customer and, as far as not expressly otherwise agreed. As far as terms and conditions of the customer deviate the whole or part thereof, they are not the content of the contract, even if not expressly contradicted them. This does not apply only if has expressly approved the deviating terms and conditions of the customer. Contracts are not closed on a certain time, or for a contract which are not limited to a certain period their nature (projects) each can a dismissal with a period of 1 month. The notice must be in writing under the deadline. In addition, the statutory provisions shall apply.
3. Scope of services
The scope of services arises from the offer or the presentation of benefits on the Web page of the offers customers only a platform to bring together candidates and employers, and provides only such technical applications that enable a general contact. is not responsible that a contact of seekers and job providers is achieved. In addition, is entitled at any time to provide services whose Inhalte violation of rights of third parties or morality, or where a third party displays possible violations of his rights.
4. Fees
Basically all prices are plus Value added tax. Invoices are immediately payable without further deduction. Deviations must be agreed in writing. The amount of the corresponding fees and their payment resulting from the information on or from the written offer. Customers can pay using offered debit procedures, in particular the accepted credit cards. A charge not be indented, the user shall bear all costs arising there from, including bank charges related to the return of direct debits and similar charges, to represent the event that triggers these costs to the extent that he has. Invoices may be sent to the customer by E-Mail.
5. Warranty and liability shall be liable only for damage which the, their legal representatives or vicarious agents based on an intentional or grossly negligent behaviour, as long as no warranted characteristics or essential contractual obligations are affected. Liability claims are amounting to the sum of the value of the order or the part services limited. Not is beyond entitlement to damages for any Consequential damage, which third party debtor at the client’s premises or at the client’s premises. The respective contractual partner fully indemnify claims to third party. Special agreements are only effective if they are confirmed in writing by both parties. Then, they are considered part of the respective contract. Changes of contracts must be in writing. In addition, the statutory provisions shall apply.
6. Privacy policy
The applicant interested in vacancies agrees hereby to the storage of his personal data / application documents and their eventual disclosure to interested companies. The collection, processing and use of personal information as part of this site is subject to the provisions of the Teleservices Data Protection Act (TDDSG) and the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG). We BDSG indicate according to § 33, that the personal data of the candidate / those interested in vacancies be stored and transmitted in accordance with the applicable data protection provisions. This is done for the purpose of your processing and dissemination to interested customers / companies. Not fully ensures the data protection in public networks according to the current state of the art. We would like to point out that it is possible under certain circumstances, that third parties can intervene in the network security and control the message traffic. For the data transmitted on the Internet and stored on Web servers, the applicant interested in vacancies carries fully even the danger, if not gross negligence or intent to the load is for us.
7. Applicable law, place of performance and jurisdiction, contract language
The contractual relationship between the customer and is subject to German law. Amtsgericht Pinneberg is the place of performance of the contract. Is the customer is a merchant or he has no general place of jurisdiction in the Federal Republic of Germany as Hamburg is agreed as place of jurisdiction for all possible financial disputes from this contractual relationship, if there is no jurisdiction for the complaint. In linguistic ambiguities in relation to translations of the website and the terms and conditions, or in other cases of doubt and problems of interpretation the German version of the text is considered to be ultimately binding.
8. Individual agreements and amendments to the contract
Individual agreements, amendments and additions require for their validity the writing or the submission by facsimile, provided that is not otherwise specified in these terms and conditions. This also applies to changes of the general terms and conditions.
9. Changes of the general terms and conditions
The terms and conditions shall apply to the business relationship in its current form. On contracts the terms and conditions at the time of the conclusion of the contract apply. The Treaty can deviate from this.