You are looking for Helgoland

Are you looking for work or a new job in a quiet, idyllic setting? Separated from the Mainland on our beautiful island of Helgoland? Are you flexible and hard working at the same time? Then come to us to Helgoland!

Belonging to the District of Pinneberg, known as only offshore island of in Germany, surrounded by the islands of Wangerooge and Scharhörn she is located on the open sea about 70 km is separated from the Mainland. The 1 km² large main island and the smaller, approximately 0.7 km large island are square southwest of the island of Sylt, North of the island of Wangerooge, and northeast of the islands of Borkum and Norderney. We expect you and your fresh ideas.

Come us and be part of our small community. Enjoy the idyllic sand and beaches in the South of Heligoland on your free days and weekends. Treat to relaxation and recreation in the North or West, and enjoy the views from the cliffs on the open sea. Visit the landmarks of the island, the 'tall Anna' in the North West of Heligoland. A huge rock which rises like the eye of a needle out of the water. Less than a kilometre to the East is the small island dune. She considered flat Beach Island and used as a bathing island.

Immerse in our idyllic Helgoland. We divide our island in the so-called upper and Unterland. Where lives the majority of our residents in the Oberland. There we have the most jobs to offer all year round. Our community is looking for employees from all areas regularly. Support us in our community work or have fun at work with our island tourists. Are you a technician? Then you hire the local wind park giant EoN. Our job offers are diverse and wide ranging and are constantly updated for you. Tiny landscaped gardens and small streets give way, seasons very idyllic Helgoland. Surrounded live among us in small, cute homes. Enjoy the familial atmosphere of the island and are a part of us.

The climate is determined by the open sea. Pure air is ideal for allergy sufferers. You like a cold winter? Then you come to us, because the climate is regarded as particularly mild in the winter. So, temperatures below-5 degrees are extremely rare. The North Sea warmed by the Gulf stream is responsible for the mild winter climate. Also, the cold winds from Eastern Europe are weakened by the heat storage of the open sea. In the summer, the temperatures hover around 20 ° C.

The vegetation of the island of Heligoland is unique and fascinating at the same time. Several thousand migratory birds in spring and autumn offers a resting and breeding place in the rocks of the Northern Heligoland. Among them, especially the Trottellummer stab or better known as murres produced. You have blossomed in recent years to the character birds of the island. Well placed on the Lummel rock they and some 400 other bird species in the breeding season raising their young. At peak times, while often more than 30,000 animals nest in the cliffs of Heligoland. For the first time the boobies believed long considered extinct were 1980 rediscovered on Heligoland. Meanwhile the number of breeding pairs has risen annually to over 50. Furthermore, Helgoland is a very popular destination for grey seals and harbour seals. Use the small beaches to bathe themselves and their boys in the sand, to snooze in the Sun or watching the guests while bathing. Quite often it happens that a grey seal is lost between the bathers. Called is considered rare fossil of red flint, "Red diamond" and has been sighted so far only on Heligoland.

Helgoland offers its residents a true spectacle of nature, also recreation and relaxation in a stress-free environment, as well as a balanced climate. Combine the practical with the pleasant and come to us to Heligoland and find your dream job.