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Current profile? How to create a contemporary profile? Is a cover letter still important. Where and how do I have a photo taken? How do I deal with the issues of the desired salary?


An application without a resume is like a car without fuel. From this point of view, a job application simply doesn’t work without a well-done resume. It is therefore the most important criterion for the invitation to the interview. Because it is the figurehead or the basis of your professional existence! Due to this, your resume should include all the information that describes your (primarily) professional life. Of course, it must also show your school and university years.

Below are 6 rules that are important for a perfect resume:

  • Your resume should be structured antichronologically. So the last station to the top
  • present your career clearly and easily understandable
  • Back up your data with applied examples
  • place your application photo on your cover page in the upper left corner
  • profile your skills, describe and show what you can do
  • the length of your resume should be two to three pages, depending on the age at work

Whether cover letter Yes or New. For some years now, opinions have been divided here.

The crucial difference comes from the fact that the cover letter is often portrayed as being of too little use. Here much too rarely conveyed additional information. We advocate using the available space for the right use and not for standardized cover letters. Especially when the majority of applicants refrain from giving themselves a personal touch with an individualized cover letter, this is a great way to stand out from the crowd. Of course, such work only makes sense if you can really say something special about the job. Otherwise, the cover letter will cease to be an important part of any application.

The fact that the value of the cover letter has decreased in today’s world is no longer a secret. Whereas not long ago the cover letter was considered the most important tool for getting the job you’ve been longing for, resumes are becoming more and more important these days. The reason for this is the high number of applications with increasingly scarce time resources on the part of personnel managers. After all, the quickest way to check whether an applicant has the right experience is to look at his or her resume.

An application without a photo is legally permissible since one year (Anti-Discrimination Act (AGG)), but unfortunately not very promising. But before choosing the photographer and or photo chain, you need to do your own analysis.

  • What impression do I want to leave on the viewer?
  • Which characteristics are put in the right light with an optimal application photo?

Of course, it’s not so much that he or she finds you attractive. Rather, the first impression should be such that you fit the position you are seeking. A conservative application photo is therefore less suitable for a creative profession and vice versa. The application photo is neither about changing the person, nor about staging, but about an overall coherent image – in both senses of the word.

Tips and examples for the application photo

This begins with the subtleties that every viewer perceives at least subliminally and yet have a great impact on your effect. For example, whether or not you smile in the application photo. That can already make a world of difference.
However, such subtle tricks also include ensuring that hair is neatly combed, clothes are stain-free, lint-free and do not have unsightly wrinkles. Sloppily tied tie knots or poorly done makeup are also taboo. In the same way, it is forbidden to use an old application photo. At the latest during the job interview, the visual contradiction usually causes irritation. Probably their entire credibility suffers as a result.

EXTRA TIP: Experiment with different head postures and perspectives. Even a slight tilt or rotation can completely change the impression of your profile.

The salary question, if not already named in the application, should be mentioned in the second interview. However, this should come from the AG. Only if no information comes to them by the end of the interview should you ask. But there are many ways to play with salary as well. We explain some of them below:

Unlike a salary increase, a bonus is an additional payment that becomes due when a certain performance has been achieved. If a jointly defined target is reached within a certain period, the company rewards this with a cash bonus.

Money isn’t everything – often free time is more valuable. So instead of a raise, it may be appealing to ask for more vacation days. In purely arithmetical terms, the ratio of working hours to salary even results in additional income that costs the company nothing – and gives the employee a better work-life balance!

Gratuities are generally defined as special payments in addition to wages. The best-known gratuities include a Christmas bonus, vacation pay or a “reward” for a company anniversary, for example.

Unlike a bonus, a bonus relates to an overall company result, such as year-end profit. So whether a bonus is paid out depends not only on the employee’s own performance, but also on how successful other employees are in moving the company forward.

In more and more companies, company cars are no longer just a privilege of the management. Increasingly, employees who travel a lot for the company are also equipped with them. In addition, a company car is used as a reward for special performance. Anyone who enters the discussion with powerful arguments for such an alternative to a salary increase has a good chance.

